No composer in the history of music has had such ease in writing pieces, recognizable to all music lovers globally, as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In his case, it isn't easy to talk about less known compositions. However, if we would like to reach for a less frequently played repertoire, then we should look at pieces intended for wind instruments.
Among them, the genuine pearls are two flute concertos, which were created even before Mozart's move to Vienna. Although compositions for solo flute occupy a modest place in the composer's extensive oeuvre, the two flute concertos in G major KV 313 and in D major KV 314 are probably the best-known examples of pieces for this instrument. As noted by the German musicologist Rudolf Gerber, 22-year-old Mozart created masterpieces within the framework of highly cultivated court music, in which the technical possibilities of the instrument were shown perfectly and comprehensively, and the spirit of the Rococo aesthetics was perfectly conveyed.
For many reasons, the "flute" work of Mozart is unique to the Australian flautist Ana de la Vega, whose performances delight audiences around the world.
When I decided to become a flautist, I never saw that instrument. I was seven years old and playing in the garden on our farm when a recording of a Mozart concert for harp and flute by Jean-Pierre Rampal sounded over my parents' speakers. The second part of this concert left me speechless. Every decision from that moment on led me to the flute, to Paris ... to Mozart ... Far from flies and dust!
She made her debut on the phonographic stage with the recording of Mozart's flute concertos! The album took third place in the Best Album 2018 category in the Classic FM Great Britain. It also took first place on the Amazon Classical Bestseller list, winning the title of the album of the week seven times.
On the other hand, the overture to the opera "The Clemency of Titus" that opens the concert is appreciated by critics for its wonderful orchestration ahead of its time. The grand finale of the evening will be Mozart's "Jupiter" symphony, which for years has delighted with its perfect proportions and majestic character.
Exhibition available during event:
Z bogatego archiwum Andrzeja Dąbrowskiego wybraliśmy 36 zdjęć z takich niezwykłych imprez jak pierwszy Jazz Camping w schronisku na Kalatówkach w 1959 roku, z udziałem czołowych polskich muzyków jazzowych, czy festiwale Jazz Jamboree lat sześćdziesiątych oraz portrety światowej sławy jazzmanów.
28-01-2022 19:00

Symphony HallFilharmonia im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Szczecinie
ul. Małopolska 48
70-515 Szczecin